Blueberry Pie Refashion Frock GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

May 20, 2009

Finally another refashion frock! I go to the thrift store every Wednesday but I don't always find something that is usable. I like the dresses to have a punchy print. This dress was perfect. See before photo at bottom.

I love the color scheme of red white and royal blue. It's so summer and light.

Originally this dress fit like a Hawaiian moomoo. To refashion it I cut it at the waist. With the extra material I took from the midsection I created a waist band with two decorative straps that come together near the front with two antique white buttons.

I then sewed two strips of royal blue material that matched the blue tulips on the dress into the bottom as a trim. And finally added white piping along all of the seams.
opera house

I also created the hair piece. It is made from layers of red stretched nylon chiffon petals with a canary yellow button in the center and blue velvet ribbon ties.

As I was working on the photos at my laptop my doorbell rang. The person who stood on my porch was a young girl who said she was a Penn State art student who was trying to drum up some house painting jobs this summer.
She wanted to know if we needed any rooms done. I said no but thank you. She smiled and returned the thanks then complimented me on the dress:)

So that was nice.

I don't normally paint my fingernails. Like I mentioned before in this blog, I've never been the manicure type. But I recently dyed my hair without using rubber gloves which made my fingernails absolutely DISGUSTING!

They look like I've been clawing at the ground all day. This happens every time I dye my hair and I have to dye a lot. Every since I was 17 I've been getting long white hairs. They stand out against my dark black locks. So if I don't consistently dye my hair I develop an unkempt, mentally unstable look.
opera house

So long story short I had to paint them a very opaque color. Red was the most appropriate for this dress.

I wanted to thank all the wonderful advice readers had given regarding sergers! Some of the comments were very detailed and lengthy!

I did in fact purchase one. It is a Kenmore Serger model 16677. I bought if off Craigslist and had to go all the way to Philadelphia to pick it up.
opera house

Granted I also stopped and bought Brian's father's day gift and made a quick trip to IKEA but still it was fairly far for a sewing machine.

But I got a great deal and it works like a dream! It came with an instructional DVD which really helped me learn how to thread the machine and some of the interesting stitches it is capable of doing.
opera houseI used it for the first time to make this dress. It was beyond fabulous! No fraying! No loose threads! But I did have to rethread it several times which I will admit is a pain in the butt. But I think part of the problem was that I had my tension set too high.

I plan on making many, many more sewing projects with the serger. And am going to start my next project hopefully tomorrow.

I got the table flowers from our own garden. I don't really know what sort of flower they are but when they bloom they are the most beautiful, full flora around our home.

It made me a little sad to cut two off. I tried to break it to them easily. Before I did it, I walked past the bushes and told them I had to cut two of them at the stem. I imagined they all waited in fear for the next ten minutes until I came back with the scissors and made the difficult choice.

We're watching Labyrinth right now. I decided to get all the kids movies I remember as a child. Flight of the Navigator and Labyrinth were at the top of my list. Any other children of the 80s out there who remember these?

opera houseI remember watching this for the first time at a Girl Scouts sleepover. I had never heard of it before. I looked at the cover didn't think it was for me.

However, I quickly warmed up to the Jennifer Connelly character. She was a lot like me (although less gawky, more gorgeous) always acting out some climatic scene in a fairytale. I was such a geek!

Watching it now really brings back memories. I wonder if David Bowie really learned how to switch that glass ball over his fingers. Rather impressive! It seems like something he would learn.

I would say this dress would fit a size 2-8.

As usual, if you would like a cha
nce to win this dress just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.
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After (above)
Before (below)
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94 {comments}:

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I love when you do refashions because it helps inspire me to keep on with my own. It looks great!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I used to watch Flight of the Navigator ALL the time. It was one of my favorites. I think it has been 15 years since I last watched it..... now, I'm off to check out eBay :)

Carrie said... Best Blogger Tips

That is just too cute! I would love that for this Summer.
I am linking right now

Jane said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful dress. The flowers you cut are peonies. A perennial flowering plant, flowers once a year, late Spring. Comes in many different colors too. BTW, ants LOVE to hide amongst the flower petals. :)

Rebecca Ramsey said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! You work such magic!

BeccaA said... Best Blogger Tips

I don't have anything to link to but I just wanted to compliment you on your lovely and inspiring creations. I enjoy visiting your blog to see what lovely creation you have made, and the charming story that goes with it.

Peonies are such lovely flowers, aren't they.

JEWELGIRL said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful, love this! I linked you!

Kerri's Kreations said... Best Blogger Tips

You are truly talented and have a great eye! What a cute dress, and such a change from the original. I was obsessed with Labyrinth when I was little- it completely mesmorized me!

Angel said... Best Blogger Tips

I just linked... Please please please please let me win! I'm in love with this dress!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful dress Kx

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful dress Kx

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Created a link

fröken lila said... Best Blogger Tips

it's a lovely dress... so pretty and summery! you are so talented, and the way for the serger seems have been worth it.
i just linked here, and of course hope to win!

military76brat said... Best Blogger Tips

I happily created a link!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

my mom had that same problem with her hair! She's 42 now and nearly completely grey, she started in her early twenties. I'm 22 and I dye my hair on and off for fun and I am absolutely paranoid that I'll start greying soon. It looks like I'm not, which would mean i could be like my nearly-50 father and my hair won't change a smidge until i'm in my mid to late forties. hoorah! But the paranoia won't leave... I'm so much like my mother in every other way, I bet I'll go grey.

What a cute refashion! So chic. Makes me hungry for nice weather...

Trudy said... Best Blogger Tips

Very impressive!

The Pingrees said... Best Blogger Tips

You are amazing- this is really cute! You might want to try a new needle in the serger- if your needle is dull it will keep coming unthreaded.

June said... Best Blogger Tips

The glass ball scene is actually done by a double - the actor's name is Michael Moschen, he's a world-famous juggler, previous winner of the MacArthur genius fellowship. The technique is called contact juggling. I had the distinct pleasure of seeing him perform live in the 1990s. Really really amazing. See for more videos - see the one entitled "Light."

Love your refashion... I am off to read the serger comments because I too am hungering for a serger these days.

cowboybunny said... Best Blogger Tips

This refashion is completely adorable! I love the fabric! Some other classic eighties movies for kids are of course the Muppets(their movies and shows), Harry and the Hendersons, The Neverending Story (my kids love this one!) Here's a link to my blog:

Katherine said... Best Blogger Tips

You make me want to head to the thrift store to see what terrible thing I can refashion, haha. I'm always disappointed that everything at the store is outdated or too large, but your projects always inspire me. :) By the way, black cherries and peonies - the flowers - are two of my very, very favorite things (we had peonies at our wedding!).

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This is adorable! Love it!

stewbie2 said... Best Blogger Tips

Cute, cute, cute!!!

For movies, ensure you get Goonies, The Princess Bride, and The Neverending Story!

stephanie joy said... Best Blogger Tips

ha ha... love the reference to old 80's movies. i used to LOVE flight of the navigator. man, it's been probably 20 years since i've seen it. that's a good one. also, what about the neverending story? also a great mystical fairytale type. i remember my sister and i used to bawl in the horse scene (quicksand... some of you will remember). ;)
anyhow, cute dress! glad you loved the serger. my mother in law has one and i love to use it too!! so fun!

kraftykym said... Best Blogger Tips

One thing. . . um, you are utterly insane (in a good way). I don't know you do it all: two kids, hubby, make these wonderful outfits, fancy photoshoot, edit the photos, post it on your blog and then give it away.

I am addicted to your energy.

tiarastantrums said... Best Blogger Tips

you have some amazing talent girl!

Very Shannon said... Best Blogger Tips

Love this! We added you to our link luv roundup today!
come take a peek! thanks for sharing :)

Deborah Raymond said... Best Blogger Tips

I, too, have the same flowers in my backyard. They are also a favorite of mine and I continually plant more peonies but they never do as well as the first white buch.Your talent is amazing!

Mary P said... Best Blogger Tips

This re-fashion dress is adorable! I wish it were my size!The bad things is, I used to be that size LOL!

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my goodness. I adore this dress!
I posted about it. Crossing my fingers!

Weasel said... Best Blogger Tips

Love your creations.

Labryinth was one of our all time favorite movies. To this very day, everytime we see a little kiddo in red stripes we start belting out "You remind me of the babe...the babe with the power...".

Ah,,, the olden' days. I

glam.spoon said... Best Blogger Tips

great refashion and fantastic photos!

None said... Best Blogger Tips

This is beautiful!

Myshell said... Best Blogger Tips

Love to refashion, happy to see it here. Link love coming your way!

Mrs. S said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this dress. It makes me so ready for summer. Crossing my fingers!

Cheryl said... Best Blogger Tips

Someone probably already said this already but they look like peonies. We used to have about 7 bushes of these in our yard. Then we moved and now i have none. Cut them! Because pretty soon they plant will go into hibernation or whatever. Enjoy them! they are awesome. Great dress, great everything. I love how you set up your pictures.

GranthamLynn said... Best Blogger Tips

Amazing. I wish I was so smart. I am a quilter and I love clothing but have never been a great garment seamstress. I work with teenage girls living in a halfway house and I teach them to sew and quilt. I have tried to tell them about 2nd hand shopping. I would love to share your work with them! Maybe they would be inspired. Thanks for sharing. I am going to dig around your blog a little more.
Have a great weekend.

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

I have to say that while I love the clothes, the photos are the best part of your blog, very creative!

jeanmarie. said... Best Blogger Tips

This looks so great! I love the fabric!

Terri said... Best Blogger Tips

Posted a link here: - yet again, I love your work. You should do some tutorials and sell them - I'd buy! :)

ElizabethMJaocb said... Best Blogger Tips

Love usual! Just posted at

I also remember and loved Labryinth and Flight of the Navigator. Those are classics and you gotta love David Bowie!

Jena said... Best Blogger Tips

I meant to post something here and I somehow posted it under 'About Me.' So if you get there and read something that doesn't make a bit of's supposed to go here. (Sorry!)

Jena said... Best Blogger Tips

I just linke to you and I really hope I win this, it is too cute.

katy said... Best Blogger Tips

another gorgeous giveaway! (and i'm so glad to hear that i'm not the only one who started going silver in my teens... i find it so hard to keep it covered with the dark hair)

and yes, i watched labryrinth many times as a child... i've been revisiting the childhood movies with my niece and nephew... neverending story, princess bride, star wars... i think we'll try out goonies with them next ;)

just linked over on my blog

Michelle@Strasbourg said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi there, just to let you know. The flowers are peonies. I live in France and the pink peonies are just wonderful in the flower markets right now!

hanna said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE LOVE LOVE this. I have linked here

Stacy said... Best Blogger Tips

You are such an inspiration, I hope that I win this dress...does it help if I tell you I want it really really bad? I linked it and am waiting with my fingers crossed!

Jinii said... Best Blogger Tips

This is awesome!!

gkgirl said... Best Blogger Tips

oh, do i remember labyrinth...
i totally fell
in mad head over heels love
with david bowie
in that movie...

love the dress, by the way...
and gorgeous photo shoot!

Desiree' said... Best Blogger Tips

Loving this fab dress. I can so see myself wearing this!!

Hannah said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it! it is so cute, I wish I had the time and the talent to do something like this!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

What a delightful dress. Sso bright and cheerful.

Heart Felt said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, that just looks incredible!

Lesley said... Best Blogger Tips

oh I'm so in love....Love Love Love....perfect for those summer picnics....
linked it here:

Frog Princess Kisses said... Best Blogger Tips

How cute are you!!! I love these colors. BTW the pettiskirts were also beautiful. I am hoping to see one of those with my wing creations. Just started blog and u are the 1st link hooray!!! Thanks for the inspiration.

Sarah Pead said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this dress. And love how you're able to rework frocks and make them look so adorable!

P.S. I linked up to my blog.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

The dress is so beautiful. It looks gorgeous on you! I love the photos, they are amazing. It makes me want to go paint my nails and put on something that makes me feel pretty.

Risa said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked you!!

Tara Gibson said... Best Blogger Tips

gorgeous dress! you look beautiful!

huebscher said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm *still* in love with David Bowie in Labrynth!
...and this dress. adorable.

all linked up!

Kenda said... Best Blogger Tips

So beautiful and I love love the old school feel! Your blog gives me such inspiration and I am so linked up!

Gabrielle said... Best Blogger Tips

That is wonderful! I will post a link at:

Love it!!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Awesome dress!!!

Kari said... Best Blogger Tips

What a fantastic and beautiful refashion! I also love how you echoed the colors of the dress through your photographs.

Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

Have linked to you on my blog ( Just love this refashioning. You're an inspiration! :)

Zarah said... Best Blogger Tips

I WOULD love that dress, but I'm too big for it so I am just gonna leave a comment saying how absolutely WONDERFUL I think it is, and how pretty the photos are! Like cut straight from the fifties - and coming from me, that is a HUGE compliment! :D

Maesha said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it so much. and the fact that u taught urself how to sew gives me some hope too that i will be able to make dresses like that one day.

K. Rock said... Best Blogger Tips

I created a link!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

That is so adorable, and would look so cute on me best friend :) She could use a little pickmeup!

Simply Mangerchine said... Best Blogger Tips

I wish I was that creative!!!!

Angie said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love that dress! Beautiful!!

ACDC2005 said... Best Blogger Tips

I need to win so I can rock this frock's face off!

Tam said... Best Blogger Tips

You have inspired me to op shop and create something (not that i am talented or creative)

What a gorgeous dress

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

You are INCREDIBLE!!!!!

Have just linked back to you from my blog:

Love what you do.


Nicole said... Best Blogger Tips

Not only is the dress quite lovely, but you've inspired me try my hand at making a pie this weekend! Your photo shoot is beautiful, as always.

Wendy said... Best Blogger Tips

W-O-W I just discovered this site, via a friend who sent it to our entire homeschool group. This is amazing. You are just amazing!

Alexandra said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't decide which I love more, the photography or the dress. I posted a link on my blog, don't know if the contest is still open or not. I'm participating in the Sew Mama Sew giveaway, so hop on over if you get a chance.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

love this dress. i am not sure if I am too late. but it is adorable. hope i win

Angelique said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi Kathleen,
This dress is stunning. I linked to it on my blog, at

I hope you are having a lovely weekend!
- Angelique

Rachelle @ Aud and Crafts said... Best Blogger Tips

This is one of my favorite blogs to find, wow. The style and photography is right on with what I like. Thanks for being so generous with your giveaways, these items are so beautiful!

throuthehaze said... Best Blogger Tips

beautiful! i linked

IPullPrints said... Best Blogger Tips
This comment has been removed by the author.
IPullPrints said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh yeah, totally linked:

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE it, created a link on my blog, http//

Really hope I get this one, I never win anything =(

Brimful Curiosities said... Best Blogger Tips

My, everyone should dress like this at picnics!

Lynette said... Best Blogger Tips

What beautiful photos!
I would love to wear one of these dresses :)

Whitney said... Best Blogger Tips

Yes please.

Rebekah said... Best Blogger Tips

how adorable! you are my sewing idol!

Cajun Girl Living In The Mountains said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love this even for everyday wear!
You're posts are quite inspiring.

Jane said... Best Blogger Tips

That's the most beautiful, the most perfect frock - it would be a dream to rock this frock.

Fiber Babble said... Best Blogger Tips

Don't forget Drop Dead Fred and Dark Crystal...

peonylane said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are lovely peonies. Don't they have an intoxicating fragrance? I used to have many varieties,as they come in many colors and shapes.I love peonies so much that I named my etsy shop after them. Come by and check it out.

photoshop restoration and retouching said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely awesome dress!!

wholesale womens clothing said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful dress, I love it.


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