November 6, 2008

baby bird seed skirt
Click on above link to be taken to the store!

Well, it's been a chaotic first day! Thank you to all who purchased from the store! The bird seed skirts in Cranberry Fizz and Creamsicle Monday are now sold out in sizes 2T-4T and the Cranberry Shirt is now sold out in 2T-3T. I will be restocking items in the upcoming weeks and leaving updates in the blog on inventory. If you desperately want an item that isn't in stock please send me an email and I will see what I can do.

To celebrate the first day success I wanted to offer a $56.00 gift card giveaway! This should cover one outfit plus shipping! Your choice!

And if the winning blog also includes a link to the store in the post I will include a pair of knee high socks in your choice of color. Just copy and paste this link:
GROSGRAINSTORE.COM somewhere in the post.

If anyone encountered any problems with the site please send me an email! Even if you just have a suggestion, I'd like to make the site as user-friendly as I can.

I thought to give everyone a better idea of what size might be best for you child I included a chart below and added the waist measurements in the description on the site under each separate description.

Size Height Weight Waist Inseam

1T 29-33 22-30 19 1/2
2T 33-36 30-32 20 1/4 13
3/3T 36-39 32-35 20 3/4 14 1/4
4/4T 39-42 35-41 21 1/4 16
5/5T 42-45 41-46 22 17 3/4
6 45-48 46-51 22 1/2 19 1/2
7 48-51 51-57 23 1/4 21 1/4

The measurements for the skirts are as follows:

Size 1 16"w 8"l waistband expands to 26"
Size 2-4 18"w 11.5"l waistband expands to 28"
Size 5-7 20"w 13.5"l waistband expands to 30"

Last day for posts is Wednesday 11/12/08. Winner will be announced Friday morning!

As usual, if you would like a chance to win this gift card just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

151 {comments}:

Francisca Mateus said... Best Blogger Tips

I wish you luck!
Kisses from Portugal!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted a link for you! Beautiful clothes, truly beautiful!

The Tilted Tulip said... Best Blogger Tips

You are very talented! I love following your blog...

nanja said... Best Blogger Tips

Good luck I posted a link here

Lucie said... Best Blogger Tips

Love your stuff! So happy to have a store to buy at now! :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

In love with these perfect for our friend named Birdie, she will now have one for Christmas!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Link created!!!!

xsavethequeenx said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous clothes! I created a link for here--->

The Tilted Tulip said... Best Blogger Tips

Do I need to mention that I linked to this post? 'Cause I did.

ps your blog is uh-mazing. can we be friends? :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked it to my blog
I hope I win!!! My 5 year old will ONLY wear skirts or dresses so this would be a great Christmas gift for her!

Momto16 said... Best Blogger Tips

I am loving these skirts. Linked to my blog. Congrats on the new store!

Nadia said... Best Blogger Tips

congrats on the new store! I've linked those skirts!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked too, you are awsome, totally my hero, how I wish I could be so creative and talented as you are!

S.L.P said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! Congrats on a great first day!

Natalie said... Best Blogger Tips

I's hopin'!

Kristi said... Best Blogger Tips

My baby girl is finally coming home next week! WE need CUTE DUDS!! All I have is boy stuff at my house right now!!! :-) Linked to me.


AngiDe said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win this gift card! You wonderful creations would look great on my little 3 yr old.

I also added a link to your blog!

"Nana's Box"

Whitney said... Best Blogger Tips

beautiful skirts!

green girl said... Best Blogger Tips

Congratulations on the successful opening of the store. I'm hoping to win this giftcard, as I know many many people are!

jennie said... Best Blogger Tips

Your work is a delight! I feel all fairytale-ish when I see these skirts. They would get used to death by my 2 little girls:)

Linked you up on my bloggy!

that's me photo said... Best Blogger Tips

everything is super FANTASTIC and I love it ALL!

SDewey said... Best Blogger Tips

Great stuff! I'd love to be entered!

Marsel said... Best Blogger Tips

Yes, please! Your link is on my blog...

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said... Best Blogger Tips

So happy your store is already a hit! Congrats!!

Lori said... Best Blogger Tips

I just love your blog. I added a link to the give-a-way on mine.

Holly said... Best Blogger Tips

How exciting that the rest of us can finally get our hands on your super cute stuff!

Karen said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, how lucky I would be to win something from your lovely new little store!

Lindsey said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted a link! Sweet store! :-)


Christi said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it all!!!!

heidijogoody said... Best Blogger Tips

I added a link to my blog. My blog is private but my email is It looks like your online store is already up to a good start.

heidi said... Best Blogger Tips

link has been created! love your stuff!

Becky said... Best Blogger Tips

Congrats on your initial success. All the best and more!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted a link!! I'm very excited about the opening of the Grosgrain store!! Good luck!
Amanda R. from WA.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

thOse skirts are to die fOr!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

So sweet! Love toddler fashion better than chocolate!

Dawn Newsome said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm so excited! I was hoping for something like this. I have linked to this post and also linked to the store.

LuLu said... Best Blogger Tips

wishing you the best with your online store. how wonderful for you.can'tt to make a purchase!

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted a link on my private blog and hope I win... I love those skirts!

Brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

I am hoping that someday I will win. I love your blog and store!

oliverscupcakes said... Best Blogger Tips

I love that you now have a store!

lrbodine said... Best Blogger Tips

I am glad you have a store. I have always been impressed with your talent!

The Hillbilly Banjo Queen: said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the store. Can't wait to see what else you add. I posted a link to you.

Arizona mom to eight said... Best Blogger Tips

I'll have to save up a bit to get all three girls some matching outfits!

Jodeth said... Best Blogger Tips

I am so thrilled that your store is open. I really would love to win an outfit to show off to all my friends. Please let me be lucky this time. Look for me!!!!

Mom2Da'Gorgeouses said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooo, I'd love to win the gift card, but I also know I'd have to spend the same amount on one more outfit (since I have 2 gorgeouses). Good luck on the opening.

Hugs & Blessings!

gina said... Best Blogger Tips

AWH! I love all of them! I posted about your give-a-way and included a link. Thanks!!! (P.S. I love the Lemongrass skirt and Grass & Snow top!)

Pam's Pride said... Best Blogger Tips

Good luck with your new store! I linked you up to my blog!

Jen D. said... Best Blogger Tips

You are amazing and so creative. I don't know how you find the time. :)

noelleg said... Best Blogger Tips

oops, correcting my above post...still love the clothes!

Megan Loves Life said... Best Blogger Tips

What cute skirts!! I hope I win! I posted a link on my blog to advertise your adorable site!

Jewels of My Heart said... Best Blogger Tips

How fun! Good for you! I am posting your link on my blog. I am certain you will do wonderful!

Jen Patrick- Roxybonds Creates said... Best Blogger Tips

I am so glad I stumbled across your site!
Linked to your site:

McCrazys said... Best Blogger Tips

Good luck on your new store. Cute stuff! (I hope I win!)

Rita E in AZ said... Best Blogger Tips

Congratulations on your new store and best wishes for much success.
You have very cute patterns
Rita E in AZ

brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

i linked to the blog and to the store! glad it is all going so well!

Hi, my name is Judy. said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked you!! I can't wait to have a girl, right now i will shop for nieces at the holidays!

Chris and Lindsey Wheeler said... Best Blogger Tips

I just put your store on my blog.....I LOVE IT!!!! We just brought our 16 month old home from Guatemala...and would LOVE for her to have all 3 of the skirts. THEY ARE AMAZING!!! Check out our blog. I also sent you an e-mail.


Kim said... Best Blogger Tips

You will do great... everything is SO beautiful, who could resist.

Sharlene said... Best Blogger Tips

Linked and lovin' it!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

Fun clothes! I just found your blog today and will be checking back frequently!

MindiJo said... Best Blogger Tips

I created a link! Good luck with your store. I love the things you make.

Artfulife said... Best Blogger Tips

I figure maybe one of these days I shall win one of your delightful creations. If not a gift card for one of your delightful creations would be awesome too. As always added you to my blog.

Topstitch Studio said... Best Blogger Tips

I love all of you items!! You are very talented! Thanks for the opportunity to share your beautiful outfits with so many others! Perfect gifts for the holidays!! :)

Jenn said... Best Blogger Tips

I added the link to my post. I hope I did it right!

These skirts are SO cute! What a creative idea! Keep up the good work!

Nalders said... Best Blogger Tips

I always love seeing all the neat things your talent has let you create. Good luck!!

mrs.mommyy said... Best Blogger Tips


mrs.mommyy said... Best Blogger Tips

did a link thru, hope I did it right

Susie said... Best Blogger Tips

so stinking cute. great work

Art Nest said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow Kathleen...I can't believe you have your own shop up and running! I love the photographs of your daughter. You do have two kids, right? I forgot to tell you in my email that I would love to paint portraits of your girls in exchange for hosting a giveaway~ You've given so much to others!
Congratulations on your grand opening!!!

Ginny said... Best Blogger Tips

Congrats on your success! I blogged here, love to win!

Mandie said... Best Blogger Tips

Good luck! Great stuff!

Tonya Staab said... Best Blogger Tips

You are all linked up and the store is in there too. Yay! I'm so happy you opened a store.

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said... Best Blogger Tips

Soooo proud of you for taking that huge step and the leap of faith you and your family made for your new little company!

I put up a post for you, I would love to get the word out to EVERYONE!

Much love,

Nancy said... Best Blogger Tips

I am so impressed with your talent!

Lisa Summerhays said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted a link too! Your amazing!!

Naomi said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! Hoping I win!

Nuts To You! said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted a link too!

Lacy said... Best Blogger Tips

I cannot believe how talented you are! I have you on a link's list on my blog but haven't ever left a message, your Marie Antoinette was amazing!!! The tree frog, so dang cute! Congrats on the store, I love the reversible stuff, it's double the fun! Keep up the amazing work.

caligirl said... Best Blogger Tips

I need the gift card so bad !!! I'm nuts about your creations, I don't know how are you going to manage to deal with the high demand for your amazing creations.

Congratulations, you are amazing !


erika~ the inspired mama said... Best Blogger Tips

oh, best of luck with your new store! everything is absolutely wonderful!! :)

i linked your giveaway and store on my blog!


Tiercy said... Best Blogger Tips

That is so great for you!!! Your talent speaks for itself!

MommyLester said... Best Blogger Tips

Yay, so exciting! I will be keeping an eye on your store for more new stuff! I LOVE your clothes! :) Wish they were my size! lol.

Cynthia said... Best Blogger Tips

Good luck on your new adventure! I will be here every step of the way!

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

I just posted a link - I love your adorable clothes!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

i don't just have a link I have you in my blog list. I just love your stuff and will be ordering as soon as you have the skirt in 2T back in stock! I would love to win one too though!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Love your clothes! We are expecting a boy in February, but my adopted little sister would look adorable in one of your skirts!!! Congratulations on your grand opening :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Ok, I hope I did this right. I believe I have posted a link for ya =)
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your stuff. Good luck with the shop and keep up the creativity

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

congrats on your shop!! So exciting! I love all of your clothes and creative ideas!

SourAutumn said... Best Blogger Tips

I am so glad I found your grosgrain blog, it got me into wanting to blog myself.

I linked your store on my blog and this post.

Have a blessed week!

noreen said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked and I know just the outfit I would pick, the hard part is the size, do I get it for my older or younger daughter :)

The Sew Convert said... Best Blogger Tips

Congratulations! Thanks for being a blessing to so many through your blog...and now the store!!!

Jane said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the versatility of the reversible items! Linked you here:

*Kelly* said... Best Blogger Tips

What is your do you find time to sew so much!! I get excited when I can finish a project in a couple weeks!! I Hope I finally win!!! LOVE IT!!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful things!!! Great place to do some Christmas shopping@

sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

wonerful! I am glad to see you have opened a shop you have great things! You are very talented!

Sissy said... Best Blogger Tips

That is so awesome that you sold out so fast!!! "Business is Good!"... I truly love your outfits. I added you to my blog, in a post and as a permanent link on my sidebar. I want EVERYONE to see your stuff. Thanks for sharing your wonderful talents!

Victoria said... Best Blogger Tips

What beautiful clothing!!! I posted a link.

CLUFF FAMILY said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great idea. Good luck!

sharmysteele said... Best Blogger Tips

My daughter would love to have one of those outfits!! Fun! Fun!

Mary Ann said... Best Blogger Tips

I am posting your link on my side bar! I love your clothes! You are very talented! The Marie Antionette dress was absolutely gorgeous!

Danielle said... Best Blogger Tips

Congrats on your grand opening! I love your work and style. Once again I'm keeping my fingers crossed til the drawing day!btw I posted a link on my blog.

April said... Best Blogger Tips

I recently discovered your blog and have to say you have an amazing amount of talent. Your clothes are beautiful and congratulations on the store opening! I posted a link for you as well. :)

Le Mama! said... Best Blogger Tips

OOO, pick me!

Tracy said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted a link! I love those skirts!!

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said... Best Blogger Tips

I always feel nervous like when I do the create a link it doesn't go through. Anyway I'm totally excited and I blogged about it here with the link to the store.

Our House of Five said... Best Blogger Tips

Congratulations! I can't wait to see how your store evolves! I have linked your site to my blog.


The Jackson Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I love your new store and can't wait to get my hands on those beautiful clothes! It might be a while so winning this giveaway would be so great:)

lacey said... Best Blogger Tips

Your store is SO great, I'm sure you'll have lots of business! I posted a link on my blog, and would love a giftcard! The knee socks are my FAV, and the material you use for the skirts ADORABLE! I love that the shirts are reversible. You are so creative, I hope to be that crafty someday. Maybe when my little ones aren't so little, and I actually have time to breath!

Beth said... Best Blogger Tips

You are incredible. Your link is up on my blog. I wish you all the best with your new shop!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Good Luck with your shop I posted a link!

JWalburger said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted alink to thsi giveaway and ths store, so that my friends will understand why I love your stuff so much. best of luck with the store!!

Megan and Erik said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I love these skirts! SO CUTE!

Maria said... Best Blogger Tips

I love everything... you've got great style. So glad you now have a store!

annamae said... Best Blogger Tips

love your creativity! and thanks for the size chart! :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked too. Love Love Love your stuff.. I have three girls who whould love those skirts.
Keep up the great work. Leah

Lindsay said... Best Blogger Tips

These are cutest little outfits! You are so talented!

Jessie said... Best Blogger Tips

All posted - so darn cute and congrats on opening day!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

ADORABLE! Would love to win for my little sweetie!
Thanks, Sarah

Ammica said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great idea! Hope it all goes well.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful work, you're very creative. Good luck with the store.

Janae said... Best Blogger Tips

Love these outfits! Can you tell me if my link worked? I posted it here:

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

Congratulations on your new store! Sounds like it's off to a great start.

Shannon said... Best Blogger Tips

I have 2 little girls now and can't wait to get some cute matching skirts for them! Posted your link!

Sherry Leal said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm trying this again. I only have a boy, but I have lots of nieces, and who knows, maybe the next one will be a girl! Thanks for doing this. I love finding these blog gems out there, and this truly is one of the best! (I'm not just buttering you up :))

Michelle said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked to you! I would love to get a cute skirt for one of my girls! or both, who knows! You make some wonderful clothes!

Kitchen Sweet Kitchen said... Best Blogger Tips

I love your blog.Beautiful clothes.
Love from TURKIYE(Cappadoccia)

Krishna said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the items. You are going to be a huge success!

Kristy said... Best Blogger Tips

Your clothes are beautiful!

Lindsay Griffeth said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm obsessed with your adorable stuff! Posted a link. :)

Catherine said... Best Blogger Tips

Great shop - congratulations!

None said... Best Blogger Tips

Love seeing everything you come up with! Can't wait to see what else you add to the store! Good Luck!

nyc_ransoms said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these skirts and am excited to see what more you have in store...

kristib said... Best Blogger Tips

Good luck on this exciting new venture! I wish you much success.

Andrea said... Best Blogger Tips

oh, pick me, pick me! :] I love your designs.

Sondra said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, I want this one soooo bad!! Pick me!!!!!

Fantacy so Sweet-n-Stuff... said... Best Blogger Tips

:D Love everything you create! I blogged about your giveaway today (I just saw the post a few minutes ago) here
Thank you so much for another chance to win some of your wonderful items!

Brimful Curiosities said... Best Blogger Tips

So very cute. Thanks much.

Idaho Jill said... Best Blogger Tips

Good luck with your new store! I posted your link here:

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

I love everything you make! You are very talented! I posted a link on my blog to the contest and your store! Here's wishin'!

Jen said... Best Blogger Tips

Awesome! I posted a link!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Dear Blog Owner,

My name is Lisa, and I work with the website ZooCaro:

I recently found your site and am very interested in exchanging links.
As you know, reciprocal linking benefits both of us by raising our search rankings and generating more traffic to both of our sites. Please post a
link to my site as follows:

Title: ZooCaro
Description: provides a simple and safe way to shop, promote products, services and items for free. Take advantage of this service today and find what you are looking for or drive more business your way

Or get an html logo from here:
Once you've posted the link, let me know the URL of the page that it's on, and I will post it on our site.You can reply to me at

Thank you very much,


Mommyhood is Thankless said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked this, how exciting for you to be opening a shop!


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Congrats on your new store. O could totally see my 2yo in those cute clothes.

Brittney said... Best Blogger Tips

oh how i love all your creations!

sunnymum said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the patterns of the skirts! I added a link.

Abby said... Best Blogger Tips

Would love to win this thank you so much for the great giveaway!

ajcmeyer AT go DOT com

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I blogged:


Shari said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted about your opening. Congratulations.


Amber said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted about this on my blog. You are so talented and your clothes are to die for cute. Best of luck with your store!

Ashley and Mike said... Best Blogger Tips

Best of luck. Just linked you!

jenny said... Best Blogger Tips

oh i missed out oh well but well its realy cute

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