Free Patterns Galore!

August 4, 2011

This is pretty amazing.
No way!
But way.
And some of them are pretty interesting!

Even wedding dresses!

21 {comments}:

Amber Bockman said... Best Blogger Tips

that is awesome, I'm doing a sew-a-long in September and I was in search for some free patterns, you are an answer to prayers!

Lauren said... Best Blogger Tips

What a neat site! I'd love to try it out, but I've never worked with fixed patterns before. Any suggestions? How would you modify the pattern to fit?

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Has anyone downloaded one of these? It looks like you can put in your measurements - do you pay for these?

Thanks so much!


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Wait. These are free?


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

How does a fixed pattern work? How do you know what size it is? Do you just have to make a muslin and adjust from there?

Ana said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great site!! The styles look cute!

Amanda said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm with Trisha. Please explain. I did some google searches but came up empty.

Meg the Grand said... Best Blogger Tips
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Meg the Grand said... Best Blogger Tips

Yes, if you could explain what a fixed pattern is, I would love to know because some of these patterns are great!

vondalin said... Best Blogger Tips

Fehr Trade has a guide on buying from the site
She mentions that the free example patterns measurements are 165h/84b/74ub/64w/92h in cm, these would then have to be graded...

Grosgrain said... Best Blogger Tips

@Meg the Grand@Amanda@Trisha@Lauren@Tiffany
To all who asked about the 'fixed' part. These patterns are in sample size. That is:
33 Bust
25 Waist
36 Hip
That's small for most. If you want to try and grade it yourself here's a good article about the cut and spread method:

If you're close to the sample size you could try in muslin first and add where you need as you go. Or if you're daring add where you think will be needed without doing a muslin.

Sheila said... Best Blogger Tips

There are a handful of patterns that they will send custom sizes for FREE! Link:

LakshmiRP said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! fixed pattern so happens to be near to my measurements

32-24-35 wow. now i can grade them down a bit and use them right away!

Thanks so much for sharing this site, this is like dream come true! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

Giulia said... Best Blogger Tips

thank you soooooooo much!!

Alison H said... Best Blogger Tips

If anyone gets one please report back! I am interested since my measurements are close, but a little nervous about downloading their pattern printing software.

Bloom said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so awesome thanks for posting!! I've been looking for a simple pencil skirt pattern and now I can get one for free! And free's always good in my book!

ANTİGONE said... Best Blogger Tips

that's a wonderful site!!! thanks a lot!

Lottacurls said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, thank you thank you THANK YOU for posting this! Those are my measurements, too - I'm so stoked! =D

SWD said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so great! thanks for sharing! and i found that if i put the url for the technical info page for each into Google translate i got most of it translated to English. :) what a treasure trove!!

niema said... Best Blogger Tips

This site is nice. I do recognize some of the dress patterns. I've seen some of them on this site: all the patterns are available for free download and are available in small, med, large and sometimes extra-large.

Sofia said... Best Blogger Tips

I've finished a dress from one of their patterns...I'm a size "in-between" S and M, so I just added a couple of cm to the side seam allowances and it fits well.
Also, I downloaded the pdf version of the pattern, no problem/virus whatsoever so far.
Pictures os the dress over here in case someone's interested.

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