Fold over elastic is a beautiful thing. You can make a skirt in under ten minutes with it. I tell no lies. The only problem with FOE is that it isn't always easy to find. I'm not 100% sure they don't sell it at JoAnn's. But I get mine at a fabric store down the street from my house which sells a ton of stuff bought at auction. It's a pretty cool place and I'm lucky to have it so close to me. BUT, still, it only comes in black and white. I did a really neat tutorial on how to dye here. But if you would prefer to just buy some over the internet here's a great link with elastics in multiple colors.
Fold over elastic is great for finishing off knits, lingerie and undergarments. But you can also use it to finish off thin cotton weave's like batiste for tops or a fine silk.
Anyway....on with the show!
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cute pattern!
I recently purchased some foldover elastic, and was thinking what to do with it. Also, here's the Etsy shop where I purchased mine, she's got nearly any color imaginable:
FOE is fun stuff! I just did a tutorial where I recommend using it to finish the neck and armholes of a cute tank:
you can also purchase FOE off of ebay
I love the stuff!!
Is your fabric has come out of the elastic how would you recommend fixing that?
I have never seen fold over elastic. What a great item!
An idea for Technique Tuesday:
Would you tell us about your fitting process? How you choose a pattern size, how to deal with a full bust, etc....
That would be awesome. Thanks again for all your hard work!
i buy mine at and I found she had cheap shipping and cheap FOE and lots of colors. And that was shipping to canada. :)
Kathleen, you can find cute little mini tripods for less than $30 at walmart in the electronics department... I don't use mine tons, I have a fullsize tripod for photos, but for tutorials and stuff it's very handy! a nice little tool for the craft room ;)
Thanks for these weekly tutorials! Even if it's for a technique I already know I watch them anyways to see if you do it a bit more efficiently.
I think us devote Grograin readers may need to start a campaign for Kathleen's husband or friend or someone to get her a gift of a mini tripod. "Improvised tripod" did work well though.
I love your blog and all your techniques, but the videos are getting harder and harder to watch without a tripod! I couldn't see what you were doing in the machine since the camera was on the side, and the close up shots at the end are completely out of focus. I beg of you to get a cheap $25 tripod to assist you! Otherwise, I love this blog :)
I love this! I'm so hunting for foldover elastic this weekend and making lots of fall skirts.
Awesome tutorial!! I linked to it over on Craft Gossip Sewing:
At JoAnn Fabrics I found the foldover elastic by asking and the gal found it in the ribbon section, not with the other elastics. I guess that makes sense since you buy it by lengths. They only had white, as far as we could tell.
i wish you would have indicated how wide the fabric was, how long your elastic was and then held up the finished product a little better so i could see the whole garment. It would give me a better idea of how full it was
FOE is used in diaper sewing so you would find it in many online stores for diaper sewing supplies. I have pink and yellow here as well as black and white
I'm not sure about all Jo Ann's stores, but the one by me now carries one type by the yard, made by Dritz. It's in the BTY elastic section, one inch wide (folds to 1/2"), white, matted. I think it's $1.90 a yard.
Seeing as though I'd been buying it off of eBay for over a year for a friend's business, I got all excited, then disappointed that it wasn't the kind she needed. Hers needs to be shiny, 5/8", and in many colors. It still made me laugh telling her Joann's finally carried it, but she couldn't use it.
If you get a chance to visit trim stores in NYC, most carry a section- colors can be iffy sometimes. On eBay it's between 30 cents to 90 cents a yard, but the NYC stores charge dollar or two a yard. Crazy.
I sell FOE in 30+ colors and tie dye colors! Highest quality!
I just came across your tute trying to figure out ways to use foe because I just received a Joanns email advertising the new Babyville line. It looks like they will start carrying foe in a bunch of colors for making cloth diapers. Thought you might like to know. Cute blog, btw! has some great foe in lots of colors really cheap! it has a beautiful shimmery look and silky feel!
I am the owner of . We sell fold over in 50+ colors starting at .24 a yards. Shipping for your entire order is just 2$. Available in as little as 2 yard lengths.Message us that you are a new customer who saw us here and we will throw in 5 yards free with any order. You choose the color (solids only) or let us surprise you.Solids ,patterns, and custom Trim Candy flavors.Doesn't much better then that!
I love FOE but this is a very complicated way to do something that can be done so quickly.
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